Age Certificate Ratings for Comedy Horror Films

Age Certificate Ratings for Comedy Horror Films

The most common age certificate rating for films under the Comedy Horror genre is 15 or 18 and its given a older rating because of the horror element. Certificate ratings are an important aspect to have in a film, from the audiences point of view its tells how the films is going to be. IE: a higher rating such as 18 can contain bad language, drugs, sex and violence which maybe the film a particular audience is looking for.

Comedy Horror films will usually be in the range of 15-18 ratings because of the type of horror used, in the majority of horror films the age certificate is 18 and this is due to the amount of gore and violence which is contained within the film. However becuase we are adding the comedy to the film there seems to be less of a focus on the gore and dark parts and more on the light-hearted jokes of the films. There Age Ratings are considered the most popualr as films are primarily targeted at teens to adults, because these are the target market that mostly use the media indurstry for a large quanitity of their time.

15. Films

Films in this certificate can contain adult themes, drugs, strong language, moderate violence and sex references. Comedy Horror films under this Age rating include Shaun of the Dead, Paul and Zombieland and many more. Throughout the planning of our product we have set our age certificate as it will contain mild language that the characters will say due to the narrative of the film. Also, if the film continued we would show more of the gory side with the infected people attacking survivors.  It is also ideal because we do not show sexual scenes but can always convey an adult themed joke in particular scenes that would be targeted at the older side of our target audience.

18. Films

This rating is the highest in the open media industry, the category allows for bad language, drugs, sex and violence which some comedy horror films may include. Films that have been given this rating include; Braindead, Evil Dead 2 and Satan’s Little Helper, this is because there films focus more on the gore and the darkness and turn the conventions into subtle jokes or mocking by placing them in unusual scenes. Also the films show a strong sexual appeal which can be used the widen the target market to include more females and couples.

~ by Brad on 14/12/2011.

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